Labels:book | encyclical | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: The foll lowing is the "shor t" version of the confere ences (besides Usenet that are ava lable on the GreenNet hostsyst tem For more informat ion on GreenNet (e. . getting alogin on GreenNet) contact suppor t@gn apc org No language spec: ified 1992 -net aaid libr arvable eur abled abled athleteacademic freed acadia bul leti acs clari locaact mdbs act rags Zo act wb94acti ion jewish actnow. aidsinf aee .biblioaee curriculum aee .news afm. forumafrica .act ion africa .ana lysi afr ica desertafrica forum africa ghg africa horn afr ica news africa souther agri farmbillai allg ai computer generalai ideas letter newsai .ns ai. -policy refugeeai student ai uan ai uan deaia news aia samp les aids hivnetaids issues aidsaction onl aidstreatment aihre general alai amlatina alertsalt alt 2600 alt .2d ...